Your Birth Star is:

Delta Cap




38.6 light years



White Star

How to find your birth star?

Delta Cap is located in the constellation Capricornus.

Delta Cap is best viewed in the month of September and can be seen by those in the southern hemisphere and by many in the northern hemisphere below 60º latitude.

Did you know?

Delta Cap can be occulted by the moon and by planets.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Light year estimates are generally accurate but some of the estimates have a small margin of error. For example, they could be +/- .2 years off.

Astronomers can closely estimate how far away a star is by observing it from different points along Earth’s orbit (using the parallax angle).

We provided months that are best for viewing your birth star but you can often view your birth star outside of these months. Just be aware some constellations will disappear from the night sky for months.

The visibility of each star will depend on your latitude and in those cases where visibility in one hemisphere is limited we have supplied estimates for the latitude needed to see the star.

For the vast majority of birth stars, you can see them with your naked eye. But if you are thinking about getting a telescope, be sure to check out our free telescope cheat sheet!